Saturday, July 26, 2008

Atmospheric requirements of different bacteria

-Test-tube (i) shows an obligate anaerobe, unable to grow in the presence of oxygen, close to the surface of the growth medium

Test-tube (ii) shows an facultative bacterium, which is indifferent to the presence of oxygen.

Test-tube (iii) is an obligate aerobe which can only grow at the surface of the medium.

Test-tube(iv) is a microaerophile that can only grow where the oxygen level is low.
Microorganisms like bacteria can be classified by their relationship to Oxygen.
Different bacteria isolate has different atmospheric requirements.
The classification involves 5 major groups, the obligate aerobes,microaerophilic aerobe,facultative anaerobe,aerotolerant anaerobe and obligate anaerobe

>Obligate aerobes strictly need oxygen to survive which means that in the absence of Oxygen they would die immediately.

>Microaerophilic aerobe bacteria would be killed when exposed to normal atmospheric levels of oxygen,but yet still requires traces amount of oxygen to grow.

>Facultative anaerobe can survive in both the absence and presence of oxygen.

>Aerotolerant anaerobe do not require oxygen

>Obligate anaerobe die in the presence of oxygen

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