Sunday, July 27, 2008

Methods of Classification and Identification of Microorganisms

Vibrios- curve rods

Below is spirilla -spiral/ helical shape

Cocci- spherical shaped

Rod shaped bacillus

There are different methods of classification and identification of microorganisms,

Firstly microoganisms can be seperated and classified simply by its biochemical or physiological characteristics

(the definition on its own)

PHENOTYPIC is when an organism's growth is influenced by its surrounding or enviroment.

GENOTYPIC is when an organism's growth is already in the gene code and it can only be slightly changed by the enviroment.

Therefore in the context of identification, a phenotypic characteristics simply means charasteristics that can be seen/ revealed either with the microspope of the human eye.

This would include morphology (structure) of the microorganism (as seen above). Its staining properties, atmospheric requirements, physiological properties (Biochemical and metabolic activities tests) and antigen-antibody reactions (Serology).
In this website we will be touching on each of these topics in detail..

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